
77.94 €
Джулия Ламберт в расцвете сил, величайшая актриса Англии. На сцене она настоящий профессионал, полностью владеющий своими эмоциями. Однако за пределами сцены ей скучно с мужем, и она менее дисциплинированна в своем поведении. Сначала ее забавляет внимание застенчивого, но амбициозного молодого поклонника, затем она в восторге от его настойчивости - и, наконец, безумно, но опасно влюблена.
Хотя Моэм наиболее известен как романист и автор коротких рассказов, именно как драматург он впервые познал успех. "Театр" - это одновременно дань уважения миру, из которого он ушел, и убедительное свидетельство его увлечения драмой и сценой.
Книга на английском языке.
Julia Lambert is in her prime, the greatest actress in England. On stage she is a true professional, in full possession of her emotions. Off stage, however, she is bored with her husband, less disciplined about her behaviour. She is at first amused by the attentions of a shy but ambitious young fan, then thrilled by his persistence - and at last wildly but dangerously in love Although Maugham is most celebrated as a novelist and short-story writer, it was as a playwright that he first knew success. Theatre is both a tribute to a world from which he had retired and a persuasive testimony to his enthusiasm for drama and the stage.
Хотя Моэм наиболее известен как романист и автор коротких рассказов, именно как драматург он впервые познал успех. "Театр" - это одновременно дань уважения миру, из которого он ушел, и убедительное свидетельство его увлечения драмой и сценой.
Книга на английском языке.
Julia Lambert is in her prime, the greatest actress in England. On stage she is a true professional, in full possession of her emotions. Off stage, however, she is bored with her husband, less disciplined about her behaviour. She is at first amused by the attentions of a shy but ambitious young fan, then thrilled by his persistence - and at last wildly but dangerously in love Although Maugham is most celebrated as a novelist and short-story writer, it was as a playwright that he first knew success. Theatre is both a tribute to a world from which he had retired and a persuasive testimony to his enthusiasm for drama and the stage.